For the autumn-winter 2023 season, Daniel W Fletcher has collaborated with Huntsman – the 174-year-old Savile Row tailor. The collaboration has resulted in nine bespoke suits, available made-to-order at Huntsman Savile Row, and ten ready-to-wear styles, each inspired by the archives of both brands.

First shown on the runway in June, the full collection is now available. The collection is a look to Britain’s history of making clothes with precision and nuance. The craftsmanship of Huntsman’s practice has been key to this collaboration, with Fletcher’s designs incorporating the basting stitching to highlight the unique precision of the making of a Savile Row suit.

Britain’s sartorial legacy is further honoured as each piece has been made in the United Kingdom, whether merino wool for wide-leg tailored shorts, or cropped blousons or stiff cotton twill for a shirt that incorporates a waistcoat structure for hybrid appeal.

For Fletcher, this partnership with Huntsman and its cutters, tailors and craftspeople has been an educational, informative endeavour that he anticipates will shape his design hand for the rest of his career.

“To work with Huntsman in such a way that has been so much about detail and craft is a real honour. I know that being able to observe and take note of the way that Campbell and the team on Savile Row work will inform how I go on to design for the rest of my career,” Fletcher says.

“Building from the collaboration,” he continues, “I wanted to show the best of what we do here in the UK, the craft behind creating these collections and the heritage of British fashion.”