Anyone purchasing a handbag of the luxury brand SEKRÈ will carry a valuable piece of world history with her. The original handwriting of a historical person is worked into each bag in a well concealed section.
SEKRÈ is a manufacturer of some of the rarest and most luxurious handbags in the world. Each bag is handcrafted in Germany and made of the finest materials. Yet when opening the front buckle made of massive silver, you will come across a secret which makes this bag so unique that it leaves you speechless.

The buckle hides the fragment of an original handwriting of a world-famous celebrity. Among them are emperors, kings, artists and pioneers like Queen Victoria, Brigitte Bardot, Charles Lindbergh, Empress Maria Theresia of Austria, Grace Kelly, Giacomo Casanova or Charles Dickens.
Such rare artefacts make the bags highly attractive. What can normally only be seen in famous museums behind bulletproof glass can now be carried in an elegant case without others immediately recognizing the actual value. The hidden secret causes a very special sensation and fills the owner with pride.
The valuable artefacts guarantee that all SEKRÈ bags are manufactured in strictly limited quantities only. Some editions come in less than 30 copies – worldwide. There is no possibility for re-productions, which boosts the value of each handbag.

Each SEKRÈ mystery bag is numbered by hand and each number of the corresponding artefact is recorded by the notary in a Notarial Deed.
All bags come with a certificate confirming the authenticity of the handwriting, which was previously examined and verified by international experts. A glossy photo is also supplied, showing the complete artefact. This allows the owner to find out for herself which part is hers. In addition, there is interesting background information on the historical person and the artefact itself.
So, every SEKRÈ mystery bag has an interesting story to tell.
Depending on the rareness of the included artefact, mystery bags cost between 1,900 and 4,500 USD. This is still relatively inexpensive when taking into account that some artefacts can have the equivalent value of an upscale mid-range car.
In recent years, luxury handbags have become highly attractive collectibles and investments for women worldwide. If and to what extent a bag will increase its value depends mainly on how rare and sought-after it is, not so much on the brand.

With their unique concept, SEKRÈ combines this growing collectors‘ demand with the great names of world history for the first time.